Even After Death - Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164


Chapter 1164

Two days later, Julia light-heartedly called Linus to meet up.

“Linus, here are the perfumes you told me to look for.”

“Give ’em.”

Lines of perfumes were arranged before her. She proffered them to

him carefully. “Here. They’re herbal-scented perfumes. They’re that

popular, and they might not smell that nice. Give them a try.”

“How bad could they be?”

Olivia’s natural scent mesmerized him. Although it was the scent of

herbs, it didn’t put him off.

Instead, he found himself addicted to it.

The moment he opened the lid of one, a pungent scent rushed to his

head and he almost fainted.

It indeed smelled bad.

He opened over a hundred perfumes one by one.

“Is there any that you like?”

“It’s not right.”

“What is?”

“It doesn’t smell like a certain herb but more like a bunch of them

mixed together. I can’t tell what it is. Anyway, the fragrance I’m

looking for isn’t strong. It’s mild and it smells nice.”

Julia deflated. “There’s no such thing unless it’s the person’s natural

scent. But who would naturally smell like herbs?”

“Natural scent…” Linus muttered.

Something crossed his mind, and he dialed a number. “I’m searching

for a person. It’s the woman who sat in front of me in that music


Disappointment descended upon her face. “Linus, do you have

someone you like?”

He hummed in response. “Sorry for the trouble I’ve caused. I’ll pay for

these perfumes.” He stood up because he had something else to

attend to.

There was a schedule to welcome the envoys. Time was running out,

and he needed to rush to the venue.

It was Olivia’s first time attending such a grand party. Ethan mingled

in the crowd with a mask on his face.

As the doctor, she could only follow him from a distance so that she

could react in time for emergency situations.

Rufus was in her company. While people’s attention was focused on

those prominent figures, Rufus sneaked his way to Olivia.

He lowered his voice. “How have you been these years, Olivia?”

“I’m doing great, Mr. Moran. Thanks for the concern.”

“I heard stories about you. Why didn’t you reach out to me when you

were at a dead end?”

“I had it coming for giving up on my studies. It’d be shameless of me to come beg you. Don’t worry, difficult times are over. I’m doing great right now. I didn’t bring disgrace to your name. I remember your


His emotions remained unplacated still.

Her decision to relinquish everything and leave back then made him

age overnight. Fortunately, she had set her mind to pick up medicine


“As I’ve said, you’re born to be a skillful doctor. I’m proud of what

-you’ve achieved today.”

They shared a smile, for they had finally met each other at the top.

Like those days in college, Rufus began instilling knowledge in her as

she followed him.

The meal was followed by a visit to the maritime museum, which was

the next plan on schedule.

Olivia glanced at her memo at times

The important figures’ medical histories were etched in her head.

Even medicines were prepared in case of emergency.

“You’re getting better,” Rufus couldn’t help but praise her. “You’re no longer the inexperienced intern.”

“It’s all thanks to your good teaching, Mr. Moran.”

“You’re getting better at buttering people up too.” It saddened him

that people only grew up from hardships.

Olivia suffered a lot to come this far and yet he didn’t know anything.

